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Site Launch! Loomis Chamber of Commerce

We were so proud to work with the Loomis Basin Chamber of Commerce to design, develop and host their newest site.  The new site uses WordPress & WooCommerce with customizations to support event and product sales, recurring billing for memberships, and a powerful directory that give members direct control over their online profile.

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“In a world where everything is one click away, the Loomis Chamber needed to adapt. We choose to have i-Tul design and program our new website and it instantly brought us to the 21st century! Within a few days we had people easily purchasing from our site! On the back end it was so simple to track product orders, see new members and get reports. Because we represent many businesses in the community, this website is a central point for over 200 members to find events and resources. Some of our members do not have websites of their own and now thanks to our membership directory they can upload information and use our site to host their details. The i-Tul team has been hands on and professional. From our discovery calls to the training sessions, I am quite happy with our new site!”

Frank J. Udvarhely
CEO Loomis Basin Chamber of Commerce