
When important things happen, do the right people know about it?

How long does it take to get vital information into the right hands?

From schedule changes and updates, to upcoming product launches or recalls, how do you alert your team or customers about what’s new with your company?

Do you still rely on email and phone calls to send out important information? Great! However, it might be time to add text message updates to your software system! With text alerts, you can inform your team about news or changes in real time. You can also help your customers or clients stay informed about their projects and products. We can help you set up an automated alert system to save time and keep everyone in the loop on important projects, processes, and information.

Building in automation for text alerts is great for saving time with administrative duties. It allows you to schedule messages and alerts ahead of time, which is great for sending alerts during off hours. You can also automate regular text alerts to your staff. Companies can send customers reminders about new product launches, services, and more!

Here are some other ways you can use automated text message alerts to help your company run more smoothly:

  • When you update a project deadline, the alert system could send a text to the appropriate people on your team. They can easily make changes to their schedules or processes to stay on target.
  • You can set up daily alerts for things like team scheduling, meeting reminders, and more. For example, if you set schedules for your team, you could send an update at 7:00pm every night.
  • It can alert your team when they need to start a new task. For example, the moment an estimate is approved, the next person in the process is notified immediately to start on their part of the process.
  • You can send monthly or annual alerts for things like conducting performance reviews, updating tax forms, performing system audits, and other administrative tasks.

No more waiting on your team, clients, or customers to check their voicemails or inbox! You can easily send out alerts on a set schedule, or send out an emergency alert immediately to prevent wasted time and money!

If you’ve noticed that people aren’t getting important information when they really need it, then let’s talk about how automating alerts can help keep information flowing!

How To Tell If Your Site Is Working

Your web site has a job to do; Is it doing it? And doing it well?

The first step is to identify the jobs your site needs to be doing.  Here are some common jobs and how you can tell if your site is working.

  1. Online Brochure: Can you send leads and clients to your site for information? Are you having to supplement the information with other files? Do your leads have a good idea about your company or are they feeling lost?
  2. Lead generation: This one is easy – Are you getting leads? Are they good leads?  Are they profitable?
  3. Customer Portal: Can you r customers communicate easily with you? Can they make new orders or get statuses on existing orders? Is it saving you phone calls? Is it improving your client relations?
  4. Billing Portal: Can you r customer view, print or pay bills online? Is it saving you phone calls? Is it preventing double entry?
  5. Document Control: Can people download what they need? Can you do online signatures? Is the process clearer then without the site?
  6. Tracking: Are statuses clear? Are the alerts working? Is it making your customers happy? Is it saving you time and money?

These are just a sampling of the jobs a site can do.  If you aren’t sure what your site is doing, or if it is doing it well.  Start by thinking about what you WISH it would do.

If you want to talk about your site and how to evaluate the job it is doing, call Amanda at 916-759-1500 x105.

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