Do You Need A Landing Page?

If you’re on the fence and not sure if a landing page will benefit you, then quickly answer the following questions in your head.

  1. Do you have a downloadable product?
  2. Do you need measurable results you can track for an advertising campaign you’re running?
  3. Do you need more leads for your business?

If you answered yes to one of the questions above then you can benefit from creating a targeted landing page, or a few landing pages.

Since landing pages are so targeted then you could build a page that goes after a niche market that needs your product or service. If you offer multiple services you could create a landing page for each service.

Promoting Your Page

How do people get to your landing page? Visitors are directed to your page from different online advertising channels. You can run banner advertising, use Google AdWords, do guest blogging and include a link to the page, social media postings, etc.

You can direct visitors to your landing page in a variety of ways, but it all comes down to your target audience. Where are they on the web? What are they reading? Where are they visiting? If you know that then you can put ads in front of them that direct to your page. Get creative with it.

Does A Landing Page Have to Be One Page?

Yes it should be one page, but it could be a long page. The amount of content on the page all depends on what is going to help convey the value of your product or service. It depends on your product type, product pricing and what you need to say or show in order to get a visitor to give up their information, or make a purchase. Your content must be justified. Don’t just add content to add content. It should really add value to the page.

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