How To Tell If Your Site Is Working

Your web site has a job to do; Is it doing it? And doing it well?

The first step is to identify the jobs your site needs to be doing.  Here are some common jobs and how you can tell if your site is working.

  1. Online Brochure: Can you send leads and clients to your site for information? Are you having to supplement the information with other files? Do your leads have a good idea about your company or are they feeling lost?
  2. Lead generation: This one is easy – Are you getting leads? Are they good leads?  Are they profitable?
  3. Customer Portal: Can you r customers communicate easily with you? Can they make new orders or get statuses on existing orders? Is it saving you phone calls? Is it improving your client relations?
  4. Billing Portal: Can you r customer view, print or pay bills online? Is it saving you phone calls? Is it preventing double entry?
  5. Document Control: Can people download what they need? Can you do online signatures? Is the process clearer then without the site?
  6. Tracking: Are statuses clear? Are the alerts working? Is it making your customers happy? Is it saving you time and money?

These are just a sampling of the jobs a site can do.  If you aren’t sure what your site is doing, or if it is doing it well.  Start by thinking about what you WISH it would do.

If you want to talk about your site and how to evaluate the job it is doing, call Amanda at 916-759-1500 x105.

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